We have a number of dedicated people on our Governing body who perform a vital role in helping us to form our plans for the future and carry out other important functions such as monitoring.
The school is supported by the Trust and the Governing Body who carry out the duties around the school.
Our Governing body is chaired by Odile Wladon who has a great deal of experience as a Chair of Governors and is Executive Assistant & Clerk to the Trust. Sarah Mortimer is a parent governor who brings some much welcomed continuity and first-hand experience of the school and also Lucy Smith-Reeve who has a child at the school. Father Guy is the church representative on our governing body and always has valuable input particularly linked to the school's ethos.
St Peter & St Paul CE Primary School is an academy that is a founding member of the All Saints Schools Trust. You can see information about how the Trust is governed on the Trust Website
Odile Wladon- Chair of Governors
Role / Biog
Rector Guy Sumpter
Foundation Governor
Role / Biog
As incumbent Rector of the Eye Benefice the Reverend Doctor Guy Sumpter has been an ex officio governor of the school since September 2014.
Parent Governors
Mrs Sarah Mortimer
Parent Governor
Named Safeguarding Governor
Role / Biog
- Early Years Foundation Stage
- Maths
- Science
- Attitudes to Learning
I have lived in Eye since 2009 and joined the governing body in 2015 as a parent governor, a role I very much enjoy. I have a varied background having studied Maritime Environmental Science and worked as an offshore Hydrographic Surveyor and Fingerprint Officer for the police. I currently work in the Voluntary & Community sector for Community Action Suffolk as Senior Manager Community Engagement where I manage a number of community led projects across Suffolk which support empowering residents to make their communities stronger and even better places to live. I have 3 children, 2 currently are at the school. I am a keen swimmer and can often be found at Stradbroke pool swimming endless laps whilst occasionally dipping my toe into open water swimming in the warmer months.
Mrs Lucy Smith - Reeve
Parent GovernorStaff Governors
Head Teacher
Staff Governor
Governor Information
St Peter and St Paul Church of England Primary School.
Why become a Governor?
Being a governor is about being a critical and supportive friend to the school. People imagine that governors are not people like them, but that's a misconception. Everyone has experience of education, so everyone can make a valuable contribution to the school.
What are the personal benefits of being a school governor?
Being a governor is an enormously challenging and rewarding opportunity. The personal benefits can be summarised as follows:
- A sense of satisfaction through knowing children will benefit from your efforts.
- The opportunity to develop new skills and to strengthen existing ones.
- The opportunity to work with a wide range of people from a variety of social, cultural and religious backgrounds.
- The opportunity to gain an understanding of, and experience in, key areas such as finance, personnel, target setting and strategic planning.
- The opportunity to gain an awareness of the education system as a whole.
- Through solving problems ranging from finance to site management; human resources to marketing; pupil welfare to curriculum development, every governor is guaranteed to broaden their skills and knowledge in some ways and this can be enhanced through training offered by local education authorities. All decisions are made with the consensus of the whole governing body, which brings into play the softer skills of teamwork, communication and tolerance.
- There is the very real sense of adding value and giving children the best possible opportunity in life as well as the additional opportunity for personal and career development cannot be underestimated.
What is the role of school governors?
School governors make collective decisions as part of the governing body whose primary function is to help raise the educational standards and performance of a school by supporting the work of the head teacher and staff. Governors make important decisions on how a school will be run. The governing body is answerable to parents and the wider community.
Some of the things expected of governors include:
- Promoting high standards of achievement
- Planning the school's long-term future
- Setting the school's aims, values and ethos
- Budgetary allocation and control
- Appointing senior staff
If you have any of the other following skills, these will also add value:
- Decision Making
- Problem Solving
- Strategic Planning
- Team working
- Marketing
- Health and Safety
- Finance
- IT
- Project Management
- Communications
- HR
- Legal Knowledge
- Languages
- Art and Design
- Science and Technology
- Engineering
Who can be a school governor?
I'm too young / too old to be a governor. I have nothing to offer?
The only age restriction is to be 18+ Nothing can be further from the truth than that young people have nothing to offer. At least one generation nearer in age to pupils than many governors, they have recent firsthand experience of the education system and are still in touch with what is important to young people. In addition, their skills learnt at work or university will be relevant and up to date. It is equally true that the majority of older people will have acquired work and life skills and experiences, which will add value to a governing body.
I can’t be a governor, I don’t have any children of my own?
Only parent governors are required to be parents. The most important quality is the desire to help children receive the best possible standard of education, and so enable them to realise their expectations and aspirations. You do not have to be a parent, know about education, or have specific skills to be a school governor.
Governing bodies will see me as an outsider?
You will be welcomed for your skills and play a vital role. You should be willing to challenge assumptions you may not agree with, to work in a team, to encourage and promote innovation and to make a full contribution to the decision making process. Thereafter, and as long as you are over 18, you will be welcome regardless of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sex, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or religion. It is in fact critical that volunteers represent all age groups and the diversity of the communities in which the schools are situated.
I just don't have the time?
Average monthly commitment is 6 – 8 hours per month. This can vary by school and may be dependent on the school's circumstances. On average, however, 6 - 8 hours per month during the school term time will allow you to attend the full governor body meetings, participate in one of the committees that support the governing body, and do the necessary preparatory reading. The ideal commitment to being a governor is 4 years, but as a volunteer and if your circumstances change, you can resign or be re-elected.
To find out more about being a governor, please visit Governors for Schools.
Do you want to be a school governor?
For an application form and further information please contact the School office.